Payday is here and 9 September is a mere 10 days away from us.
What is so special about 9 September you might ask.. WELL WELL WELL.. it’s the start of a string of sale events for the last few months of this year (10.10, 11.11, 12.12. You get the gist..).
I’d be saving up this month’s pay for a few more days if I were you cos you will definitely be getting more bang for your buck during these sale campaigns.
For starters, the e-commerce platforms will all be giving out some extra perks to shoppers during the campaign period (eg, vouchers, cashback, etc) to offset your shopping. On top of that, individual shops such as NPN, Singtel and NPN Travel will also be running their own promotions, which can only mean EVEN GREATER SAVINGS. WOOHOOO~~.
Regular user of food delivery services or online grocery shopping? Or a gamer? We reckon that you’d like to keep a lookout for great deals coming up on NPN.
End of the year is also everyone’s favourite travelling period and everyone likes to stay connected even during overseas travel right? NPN Travel has got you covered there. Look out for attractive deals and vouchers during 9.9. We promise you some GREAT savings.
Pssst. NPN Travel China SIM cards are already a great deal with a free China number as an SMS forwarder and Wechat Hong Bao but we promise you even more attractive deals on top of that already awesome bundle. You wont wanna give it a miss.
Singtel will be offering some GREAT DEALS. The best since their entrance onto ecommerce platforms so you’d definitely want to stay tuned for that. We promise that the promotions are worth staying tuned for. Think high value vouchers, price off big brand name handsets 🙂
We hope that all these are getting you excited. So remember to save those moolahs for the upcoming promotions! 🙂