Why Should You Personalise Retail Customer Experience with Artificial Intelligence?

Thanks to the latest advancement in artificial intelligence technology, retailers can constantly deliver a customer-centric experience and consistently provide top-notch customer service. In addition, highly laser-targeted marketing initiatives are a reality because they have immediate access to in-depth analytics and swift access to their customers’ browsing and shopping patterns. Businesses can now look forward to building brand loyalty and deeper relationships with customers, delivering customized experiences beyond traditional norms. If you wish to be armed with better capability than ever to innovate and transform customer shopping experiences, reach out to us: https://www.retailtechnpn.com/sg/biu9

13 Sep 2022

What Retail Analytics Can Do For Physical Stores? AI-Driven Offline Data

For decades, the most successful brands had known this by heart- that foolproof marketing strategies are all about when and how to engage potential customers in their purchase decisions. This is why more than ever, now is the time for the retail sector to leverage the latest advancement in technology; even with the increased competition, opportunities to thrive, grow and expand will remain viable for them. Imagine a world where data collected by AI (artificial intelligence) readily provides insights into retail space usage, footfall analytics, employee service behaviours and even shelving utilization in real-time. With real-time customer flow traffic data and live location data at your fingertips, you can now access instant information about anything from dead spots in the store to high-traffic areas as well as the link between your store layout and sales, enabling you to map the paths to purchase more effectively for sales. Connect with us if you are ready to leverage the best of what artificial intelligence has to offer and embark on this new exciting journey of endless possibilities. Let’s change the world together: https://www.retailtechnpn.com/sg/9crk

06 Sep 2022

How Can We Save Brick-and-Mortar Retail Stores in this Digital Age?

In an average B2C e-commerce model, an online retailer is equipped with abilities like intelligent applications that have in-built consumer-preference tracking. Using algorithms powered by AI (artificial intelligence), e-retailers know what their customers are most likely to buy and which products to surface for them. Today’s average retail store is not designed to compete with robust eCommerce sites. Is your brick-and-mortar retail store evolving fast enough to keep up with the needs of your customers who have grown used to the intelligent world of online shopping? Instead of suffering under the mercy of the rising world of e-commerce, a winning strategy is to take the best of what artificial intelligence technology is already offering and beat the game with that. If you are a business who is ready to explore unlimited possibilities in this new era, reach out to us: https://www.retailtechnpn.com/sg/izrj

30 Aug 2022

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